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Bulk Petunia Seeds Easy Wave® Formula Mix Improved Trailing Petunia Seeds E3 Pelleted Seeds

Bulk Petunia Seeds Easy Wave® Formula Mix Improved Trailing Petunia Seeds E3 Pelleted Seeds

Regular price $24.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $24.00 USD
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Petunia Seeds Easy Wave E3 Formula Mix Improved

Common Name: Spreading Petunia

Hardiness Degree: 40°F

Blooming Season: Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Late Summer

Plant Habit: Mounded, Spreading

Characteristics: Attracts Bees

Water: Medium

Fertilize: Once a week

Spacing: 10 - 15"

Height: 6 - 12"

Width: 25 - 32"

Seed Form Pelleted

Exposure: Sun

General Information: Wave petunias spread and trail fast in planters, baskets, window boxes and landscapes. Produces show stopping bright blooms up to 3” across. It’s Early, it’s Efficient, it’s the Evolution of Easy Wave®…it’s E3!
At 10 hours daylength, E3 Easy Wave will be ready at retail to kick off petunia sales even earlier! With a manageable, uniform plant structure and vigor, the series offers simple production to save on labor costs. The plants can be grown at lower PGR rates than Easy Wave®, so we say it’s ‘Extra Easy’ Wave! The plants stay full and lush longer at retail for increased sell-through and the eye-catching appeal consumers expect from the Wave® program.

These are bulk seeds from supplier and are a custom order for you please allow 2 to 3 weeks for delivery of this item. The bulk purchase it totally separate from our regular website we offer small amounts there and most are in stock. Pelleted seeds make the seeds easy to plant as there is a light clay coating on them to make it easy to see them to plant them. If you use a auto seeder it makes the seeds easy to pick up to plant in a cell tray or flat.

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